
Eric Parker, Mike Muller, Beki Brindle-Scala, Joanna Griggs, Alan Sticky-Wicket at the Colony, October 2018
Manu Lanvin and Mike Muller
Mark Newman, Annie Moore, and Mike Muller
Arthur Neilson and Mike Muller
Billy Pittman and Mike Muller outside Madison Square Garden
Mike Muller and Danny Ray
Christine Santelli sings "Happy Birthday" to Mike Muller at Red Lion
Hiromasa Suzuki and Mike Muller
photo: Deborah Coleman

Mike endorses Hartke amps, Fralin pickups (made in the USA!), Lakland basses, and Rodriquez electric guitars.


During a career spanning over forty years, Mike has been privileged to share the stage with scores of illustrious players including (but not limited to)

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